Bush Church Boxing & Fitness Club
Club Info
When was the club formed? The club was established approximately February 2010
Why was the club formed? First and foremost, The Baptist Bush Church Boxing Club is a ministry to spread the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The purpose of the club is reflected in the following statement listed on all membership forms: ‘To grow strong spiritually and physically through acceptance of Lord Jesus Christ, the art of boxing, perseverance, discipline, self respect and respect for others’
When's training? Club group training occurs every Monday and Wednesday evening 5-6pm and Saturday mornings through the year.
All members must complete a membership form. Members pray the Lord’s Prayer before each training session, recognising the ultimate victory has been won through the cross. The boxers come from a diverse range of backgrounds and cultures, males and females, ranging in age from 10-35 years old. The club is more than just a boxing club; it is a lifestyle, social group and family.
The Baptist Bush Church Boxing Club is a registered club with Boxing NT.
John Siriotis
John Siriotis pursued a boxing career from the late 1970s to early 1990s, maintaining a consistently high rating in the sport. John has made an invaluable contribution to Australian boxing and is highly regarded for sharing his wealth of experience with up and coming boxers.
The Baptist Bush Church Boxing Club is extremely grateful for the support of boxing great John Siriotis.
Boxing Training is held every Monday 5-6pm and Wednesday 5-6:30pm
The club is also open for fitness training.
Call 08 8988 1177 To find out more!
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