Constitution of The Gathering Incorporated
1 The name of the association is
‘The Gathering Incorporated’ referred to hereafter as the ‘The Gathering’.
2 The basic objectives of The Gathering are
a) to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ
b) to promote Christianity and fellowship to all
c) to promote Christian ministries, practical workings of the church and promoting Christians in business
d) to encourage unity among Christians of different denominations who believe in biblical truths, and celebrate the fundamental beliefs that bring people together as one
e) to encourage sharing, love and fun between people
f) to reach out to the whole community, caring for their needs in accordance with biblical principles.
3 In addition to the basic objectives of The Gathering, the purposes of The Gathering shall be deemed to include
a) Provision of the facility for special community celebrations on the Saturday preceding Pentecost Sunday, which shall be called The Gathering. Nothing is sold at this celebration, everything is to be free to the general public. Stall holders and entertainers must comply with paragraph 5.b.i. Sponsors are invited as long as Christians values are upheld.
c) The Doing-it-Hard Emergency Relief Programs will operate in accordance with basic objectives of The Gathering, (focusing particularly on paragraph 1.f – outreach) and in conjunction with The Baptist Bush Church.
d) The Baptist Bush Church is a sub-group of The Gathering. The Baptist Bush Church is an integral part of The Gathering, working as one to achieve the basic objectives of The Gathering, as listed under section 2, with a major focus on biblical teaching.
e) The Building and the equipment of The Gathering may be shared with any organization that shares the basic objectives of the Constitution and where the person responsible for the organization’s activities complies with
section 6 (a6)
f) The sale of any intoxicating substances are prohibited with any activities associated with The Gathering.
4 The procedure for setting disputes between The Gathering and Committee members and members
a) The Committee members may be removed due to non-attendance. If three (3) meetings are missed consecutively where it was possible to come and no apology was made.
b) The Committee members and members may be removed for inappropriate behaviour - in accordance with Matthew 18, verses 15 to 18. When there is undeniable evidence of the inappropriate behaviour available and the majority of committee members agree.
c) Resignations will be automatically approved.
d) Any active member may request a re-evaluation of any committee member at any reasonable time after the appointment to the office.
e) 80% consent majority shall be required by members on all matters relating to any dispute with committee members.
f) Grievance and disputes procedures
1) This clause applies to disputes between
a) a member and another member, or
b) a member and the Committee.
2) Within 14 days after the dispute comes to the attention of the parties to the dispute, they must meet and discuss the matter in dispute, and, if possible, resolve the dispute.
3) If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute at the meeting, or if a party fails to attend that meeting, then the parties must, within 10 days after the meeting, hold another meeting in the presence of a mediator.
4) The mediator must be
a) a person chosen by agreement between the parties; or
b) in the absence of agreement -
i) for a dispute between a member and another member- a person appointed by the Committee; or
ii) for a dispute between a member and the Committee - a person who is a mediator appointed or Church elder.
5 Meetings
a) All meetings are to open and close in prayer.
b) The committee shall endeavour to meet regularly. 75% of the total number of committee members shall form the quorum.
c) One of the committee members shall be appointed Chairman to occupy this position for at least one year.
d) The meetings shall be presided over by the Chairman of the committee or his/her deputy.
e) The committee members shall prepare the agenda for the meeting and with it a comprehensive report of the activities of the Gathering. For this report the committee members will request reports from the members regarding areas of responsibility under their care.
f) Special resolutions can be called by the committee members on their own initiative. They shall also be called by the committee members at the written request of 20% of the members. Notification of 21 days will be required. The Secretary must give all members notice of general meetings and special resolutions in the manner and time prescribed by this Constitution.
g) Altering the Constitution
1) The Association may alter this Constitution by special resolution but not otherwise.
2) If the constitution is altered, the public officer must ensure compliance with section 23 of the Act.
3) The objects and purposes of the Association are not to be altered as they are based on the biblical principles.
h) Annual General Meeting
1) The Secretary must give to all members not less than 30 days notice of an annual general meeting.
2) The notice must specify
i) When a where the meeting is to be held; and
ii) The particulars of and the order in which business is to be transacted
iii) The order of business for each annual general meeting is as follows:
- First: prayer
- Second: the consideration of the accounts and reports of the Committee;
- Third: the election of new committee members;
- Fourth: any other business requiring consideration by the association at the meeting.
- Close in prayer.
3) Annual general meeting is to be held once in each calendar year, within 5 months after the end of the association’s last financial year.
6 Membership
The Gathering shall consist of committee members, associate members, members, supporters and sponsors. There is no limit to the number of members, associate members, supporters or sponsors.
a) The Committee
1) The committee shall consist of a minimum of three persons and a maximum of seven. Two current leaders of The Baptist Bush Church are to be on the committee at all times.
2) The three offices of the committee will consist of Chairman/Public Officer, Secretary and Treasurer
3) Committee members must take into consideration church leaders counsel and guidance.
4) The committee members will be selected by majority 80% agreement of present committee members and members.
5) All Christian denominations are welcome to become committee members and members of The Gathering. However, it is required for the committee members and to be baptised by full immersion as a public display and assurance of commitment as an adult, as true followers of Jesus Christ in word and deed.
6) Committee members must be able to state aloud the following before admission to The Gathering will be approved:
i) I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour
ii) I believe that the only way to the Father is through Him
iii)I believe in the Holy Trinity - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit being one God
b) Role and powers
1) The business of the Association must be managed by or under the direction of a Management Committee.
2) The committee shall be directly responsible for the direction of the life and witness of The Gathering, including the membership roll, finances, and the planning of activities.
3) The Committee may exercise all the powers of the Association except those matters that the Act or this Constitution requires the Association to determine through a general meeting of members.
4) The Committee may appoint and remove staff.
5) The Committee may establish one or more subcommittees consisting of the members of the Association the Committee considers appropriate.
6) Final decisions will be the committee’s. These decisions must conform to scriptural direction and a literal interpretation of The King James Bible and the NIV Bible.
c) Nominations for election to committee
A member is not eligible for election to the Committee unless the Secretary receives a written nomination for that member by another member before the next annual general meeting.
1) The nomination must be signed by -
i) the nominator and a seconder, and
ii) the nominee to signify his or her willingness to stand for election
iii) A person who is eligible for election or re-election under this clause may propose himself or herself for election or re-election and vote for himself or herself.
d) Members
The authority of all Gathering matters shall rest with the members, and
Committee members based on literal interpretation of the Bible.
1 ) Members must be able to state aloud the following before admission to The Gathering will be approved:
i) I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour
ii) I believe that the only way to the Father is through Him
iii) I believe in the Holy Trinity - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit being one God
2) Members have to be baptized by full immersion.
3) There will be no limit of tenure for members.
e) Associate Members
1) Need to say they believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour
2) Support Christian values
3) There will be no limit of tenure for associate members.
f) Supporters and Sponsors
1) Supporters and sponsors need to support Christian values.
7 Sub-Groups
a) The Baptist Bush Church shall be a sub-group of The Gathering.
1) The Baptist Bush Church is to operate autonomously, and in accordance with The Gathering’s objectives as listed under section 1.
2) Leadership of The Baptist Bush Church is to comply with section 6(a) (6) and must also be baptised by full immersion as a public display and assurance of commitment as an adult, as true followers of Jesus Christ in word and deed.
Membership on The Gathering Committee:
3) A minimum of two representative of the Baptist Bush Church are to be on The Gathering committee in accordance with section 6a.
4) The Baptist Bush Church Boxing Club shall be a sub-group of The Baptist Bush Church
5) The Baptist Bush Church Boxing Club is to operate autonomously, and in accordance with The Gathering’s objectives as listed under section 1 of this constitution.
6) Leadership of The Baptist Bush Church Boxing Club is to comply section 6(a) (6).
Membership on The Gathering Committee:
7) A representative of The Baptist Bush Church Boxing Club is to be on The Gathering committee in accordance with section 6a.
8 Accounts
The manner in which the financial funds of The Gathering are to be managed:
a) True accounts shall be kept of all sums of money received and expended by The Gathering and the manner in respect of which the receipt or expenditure takes place and of the property, credits and liabilities of The Gathering.
c) The treasurer of The Gathering shall faithfully keep all general records, accounting books, and records of receipt and expenditure connected with the operations and business of the association in such form and manner as The Gathering may direct.
d) The Gathering’s accounts must be open to all committee members and members for viewing at all times.
e) The committee shall cause to be opened with such bank, building society or credit union as the committee selects, an account in the name of “ The Gathering” into which all moneys received shall be paid by the treasurer as soon as possible after receipt thereof.
f) Audited financial statements are to be available to members 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting for inspection and are required to be presented at the AGM.
g) The Gathering is to remain a non-profit organization. Any profits from the various activities are to go to further The Gathering activities, in accordance with the biblical principles and basic constitution objectives, as listed in 1.
h) All cheques, drafts, bills of exchange, promisory notes and other negotiable instruments must be signed by two committee members.
f) The financial year is to end on the 30th June.
9 Access to information on Association
The following must be available for inspection by members:
a) a copy of this Constitution
b) minutes of general meetings;
c) annual reports, and annual financial reports.
10 Dissolution
The Gathering may be dissolved by a resolution presented by the Committee members and members to a meeting especially convened for the purpose. If in the dissolution there remains, after satisfaction of all liabilities, any properties whatsoever, the same shall not be distributed among the members of The Gathering, but shall be transferred to the Baptist Union of the Northern Territory.
11 Non-Profit
The Gathering is to remain a non-profit organization .All funds raised go to further The Gathering activities in accordance with the constitution objectives.
12 Common seal
a) The common seal of the Association must not be used without the express authority of the Committee and every use of that common seal must be recorded by the Secretary.
b) The affixing of the common seal of the Association must be witnessed by any 2 of the following:
1)The Chairperson
2)The Secretary
3)The Treasurer
c) The common seal of the Association must be kept in the custody of the Secretary or another person the Committee from time to time decides.